
Gold Metal Guild word mark v2

Gold Metal Guild (GMG) is a professional network designed to integrate seamlessly with Luxauro’s cutting-edge e-commerce platform and TF Empires’ tailored crowdfunding service on TorqueForm. GMG professionals featured on TorqueForm will have their profiles displayed alongside search results, providing visibility and potential connections with shoppers. Luxauro customers and TF Empires founders alike can leverage the recommended GMG professionals to achieve their business or personal objectives effectively.

Gold Metal Guild (GMG) distinguishes itself from other professional networking platforms in several ways:

  1. Integration with Specialized Services: GMG is specifically designed to integrate with specialized services such as Luxauro’s advanced e-commerce platform and TF Empires’ customized crowdfunding on TorqueForm. This integration allows GMG users to access a wide range of services and opportunities directly through the platform, enhancing convenience and efficiency.

  2. Enhanced Visibility: GMG offers enhanced visibility for professionals by featuring their profiles alongside relevant search results. This visibility increases the chances of professionals being discovered by potential clients or collaborators, ultimately leading to more opportunities for networking and business growth.

  3. Seamless Communication and Scheduling: GMG provides seamless communication and scheduling tools, allowing users to easily message professionals, schedule appointments, and pre-pay for services directly through the platform. This streamlined process simplifies the interaction between professionals and clients, saving time and reducing administrative overhead.

  4. Curated Special Offers: GMG offers curated special offers, such as Gold Seal Specials, which provide exclusive discounts or promotions from participating professionals. These special offers incentivize users to engage with GMG and take advantage of valuable opportunities offered by capitalized professionals.

Overall, Gold Metal Guild sets itself apart by offering a tailored networking experience for capitalized professionals, integrating specialized services, enhancing visibility, and providing efficient communication and scheduling tools to facilitate meaningful connections and collaborations.

On a chilly December morning, Kevin discovers that his furnace has stopped working. To address the issue, he turns to the Gold Metal Guild platform and searches for “furnace repair,” narrowing down the results to his local area. After browsing through several companies, he checks their availability and finds one with an opening for that afternoon. Kevin then takes advantage of a Gold Seal Special offer titled “Furnace inspection” from the selected company and schedules a visit for 3 pm. Now, imagine extending this exceptional service to a national and global scale.

Trying your hand at a DIY project in your home and just need advice and information that you can’t find online? Search Gold Metal Guild nationally for a general contractor who looks like he would have the expertise to be able to advise you on your project. Send him a message on GMG asking if he would be able to advise you on your project. Click on his calendar and schedule an appointment to have a phone or video call with him, and pre-pay him for his time.

Want to develop a line of health snack food and don’t know where to start? Search GMG for someone with experience in developing and manufacturing lines of food products. One virtual meeting later and you could have an outline of all the necessary steps and connections needed to put your project up on TF Empires and watch your idea become reality!


Ground Sourcing is the specific extension of Gold Metal Guild. The TorqueForm’s method of taking select public suggestions or contributions into account, giving individuals and businesses who have the software development skills the ability to be able to actually produce and develop infinite aspects of the TorqueForm, especially in -X-Skyway. Once a ground-sourced product/experience/NFT (such as a VR mannequin for merchants to purchase for their stores) is accepted and implemented on the TorqueForm, those developers are given a credential of being a TorqueFormer, and will reap the financial benefits accordingly: Either a one-time purchase fee for their software product, or continual monthly income in the same manner as any other product subscription that a merchant may sell. Ground Sourcing is intended to help ensure that the public will be an integral part of what the TorqueForm is, how it develops, and financially benefits from the very structure of the platform.

Torque the TorqueForm

TorqueFormer – any individual (having the software development skills to do so) who has a software product or feature accepted and implemented on the TorqueForm through Ground Sourcing.

Do you have an idea of a feature or function that you would like the TorqueForm to have? Do you have the ability to develop that feature or function yourself? The TorqueForm is a platform created of the people, by the people, for the people. Make it your own.