The Era of the Epithereal

You Were Born for Something Great

Epitherealism is the phenomenal achievement of a great feat that otherwise would be considered humanly impossible. Why has there not been a term like this yet throughout all of human history? With technology being where it is currently and advancing as quickly as it does, the time has come for a new term: epithereal. After all, many people have proven that what was once considered humanly impossible in the past can be absolutely attainable. People that were previously unknown became household names practically overnight, such as the Wright Brothers and Neil Armstrong.

Go back 200 years ago and tell someone that you flew in a jet from America to Europe in 8 hours. They would tell you that’s humanly impossible. But it’s not now. How about asking that same person 200 years ago if they would like to walk on the moon and then return to earth to tell their story? You might get called crazy, but the ones who set their sights on the impossible are usually the ones who make it reality. Think of Thomas Edison and his light bulb.

Epitherealism can start with:

  • Looking at the basic facts/knowledge of the time, and then logically daring to make an “impossible” idea an actual goal, then
  • Acting on the steps to achieve that goal, and
  • Persevering through the trials and seeming failures until the “impossible” is accomplished.

These 3 steps are, in short, the design elements of a Luxxacation. Now, with all the technology at our fingertips, how much more so-called “impossible” feats can be achieved? This is the age of the Epithereal. Dare to think epithereal, and you’re already on the path to achieving the epithereal.

Note: Things you may think are pretty great like pizza are not actually epithereal… unless you were seriously transported to the moon while eating that pizza.

XSE's Strategy Maximizes Potential to Achieve the Epithereal