
The interactive and innovative new design of tailored crowdfunding, built on the TorqueForm and interfacing with Luxauro’s enhanced e-commerce and Gold Metal Guild’s monetized professional network. TF Empires is for both new business endeavors and existing businesses that are planning expansion or branching out into new territory. It provides the Founders with a substantial forecast for planning based on the public feedback received through backing, equipping Founders with funding for their project beforehand. Founders on TF Empires  will also benefit from having their project presented as a related suggestion to shoppers on the TorqueForm. Shoppers will likewise benefit from the ideas and inspirations of the new projects that they view on the TorqueForm.

TF Empires stands out as a tailored online crowdfunding platform by integrating unique features that distinguish it from other crowdfunding platforms. Firstly, TF Empires sets itself apart by seamlessly integrating multi-vendor e-commerce via Luxauro and capitalized professional networking through Gold Metal Guild. This integration broadens the scope of services and opportunities available to both project founders and backers, enhancing convenience and efficiency within the crowdfunding process.

Moreover, TFEmpires prioritizes heightened visibility for projects by leveraging its integration with Luxauro’s multivendor e-commerce and Gold Metal Guild’s professional networking. As shoppers browse through Luxauro or professionals seek services through Gold Metal Guild, TF Empires projects gain increased exposure, reaching a wider audience and attracting potential backers.

Additionally, TF Empires offers a tailored crowdfunding experience, empowering founders to customize their projects to their desires and the preferences of their backers. With the ability to create sub-projects and adapt their initiatives based on funding preferences, founders can efficiently allocate resources and maximize the success of their crowdfunding campaigns.

Furthermore, TF Empires promotes freedom for both founders and backers, minimizing referral fees, imposing few project restrictions, and providing a fully customized founding and backing experience. This commitment to freedom fosters a supportive environment where creativity thrives and innovative projects can flourish, positioning TF Empires as a leading choice for crowdfunding endeavors.


TF Empires vs. typical crowdfunding: In addition to the obvious benefits of Founders having their projects being showcased along with other products and professionals to shoppers, TF Empires is built on the framework of the embedded systems engineering XSE. In a typical crowdfunding campaign, the creator outlines their project for the public to view, evaluate, and decide if they want to back it. TF Empires sets a new standard of crowdfunding by allowing founders to have sub-projects or “branches” to their main project. Founders can add these autonomous branches to any project as related offshoots of their main project that may or may not have influence on the success of their main project or any other branch. This means that a main project’s success or failure is not necessarily determined by the success or failure of any branch or branches, but only determined by the Founder’s discretion. Branches can also help inspire creators by opening up people’s minds to new ideas that they may not have thought of otherwise. Founders can also opt to receive ideas from other founders and backers that can help build and develop their projects beyond what they might have originally thought without others’ help. A planned business may take a surprising turn based on the public backing an unexpected branch. For instance, a Founder who initiates a campaign to build a coffee shop with a suggested branch of a frozen yogurt bar on the side, may ultimately choose to start a frozen yogurt shop with only a coffee bar on the side, due to funding results.

Untreadable is the specific extension of TF Empires that uses the crowdfunding structures/functions in conjunction with additional legal terms and conditions in order to provide Untreadable Founders with funding (based on public demand through “pre-sales”) for projects and products that they then have five years over which to fulfill the certificates sold to their backers. The Founder will have one year in which to prepare and then four more years to fulfill certificates. Untreadable specializes in the development of businesses which promote strength, independence, intelligence and integrity.