
The unseen Machine designed to change the world

The TorqueForm is the first complex software system built using XSE, providing a framework to unite the myriad of small and large entities who are seeking a way to leverage the power of commerce with the purpose of maximizing strength, intelligence, innovation, integrity and independence. The design of the TorqueForm has been strategically engineered to be the “engine” of a burgeoning new economy, advancement, and empowerment of old and young individuals and businesses.

Infrastructure of Integrity and Strength

TorqueForm definition– A complex software application system providing a new type of enterprising platform designed, developed, produced, operated and maintained using Independent Integration Systems Engineering (XSE). The TorqueForm is built out from a Triune web/software application structure interfacing advanced e-commerce (Luxauro) with capitalized professional networking (Gold Metal Guild aka GMG) and tailored crowdfunding (TF Empires) with specific strategically designed business structures stemming from each of the aforementioned Tribrid parts, respectively: Indie Arcadia, Ground Sourcing and Untreadable. The TorqueForm, in line with XSE protocol, employs advanced technology taking into account the disciplines of:

  1. Law
  2. Psychology
  3. Biology (& Applicable Sciences)
  4. Human Factors Engineering
  5. Environmental & Occupational Safety & Health
  6. Training, Manpower & Personnel
  7. Survivability & Habitability

… with the purpose of strengthening the individual throughout all of XSE’s 7 spheres of integration: beginning with independent integration (a state of integrity where one’s reasoning and thoughts (mind) are cohesive with one’s words and actions (body) and emotions and beliefs (spirit)), then extending that integration into the home, then business(es); to the local level, country, to the globe and beyond, including into the metaverse (-X- Skyway).

Understanding the TorqueForm

The TorqueForm is a complex Tribrid software system built to boost the economy. Due to it’s complexity, can only be fully understood if the foundational concepts and constructs are comprehended. As with any complex system (such as the human being or an aircraft), it takes time to evaluate the different individual parts or “subsystems” and then by approaching the system as a whole from different points of view and looking beneath the surface to see the inner workings, eventually over-all is grasped and understood, even if it is still hard to explain to someone else in simple terms. No one needs to understand the detailed workings in order for the results to be realized, but the more that a user comprehends the “mechanics” of this Mission Cyber Ship of light, the more they will be able to take control in it’s flight. A firm grip can be had on the TorqueForm by visiting and understanding the pages on this website in this order:

  1. Systems Engineering
  2. Complex Systems
  3. Wicked Problems
  4. Independent Integration Systems Engineering (XSE)
  5. The Hypersonic jet engine model
  6. -X-Skyway
  7. Luxauro and Indie Arcadia
  8. GMG and Ground Sourcing
  9. TF Empires and Untreadable
  10. The Mission and Vision
  11. Epithereal
  12. Luxxacation

A complex software system can be more easily understood when depicted as a model of a physical system...


The mechanistic illustration of the Torqueform is depicted as a cyber mission ship of light consisting of a hypersonic jet engine with 3 main wings being Luxauro, TF Empires, and Gold Metal Guild (GMG). Each of the three wings has an extension shown as ethereal arms of light which are the specific extensions of each of the Tribrid: Indie Arcadia (of Luxauro), Untreadable (of TF Empires) and Ground Sourcing (of GMG). The TorqueForm is shown melding with a spiral galaxy to demonstrate that it’s capable of illuminating the world with novel and new opportunities of development (from self to commercial) for people to be able to strengthen themselves, develop their environment to be cohesive with their goals, even providing the opportunity to help others advance. See below to understand how the extensions function.

An Overview of the Tribrid

jerryfisher | Sketchfab |

Luxauro is the first e-commerce marketplace (facilitator) built on the TorqueForm, interfacing with TF Empires and Gold Metal Guild, or GMG. Luxauro is an advanced and enhanced shopping environment and will operate at all levels (local, national, global and Metaverse). More details on Luxauro and Indie Arcadia here.

Indie Arcadia is the specific extension or specialization of Luxauro, providing the ability to connect with local merchants to form a user’s personalized local market in order to become more independent by obtaining items such as fresh produce, independent power systems, and any other necessary products essentially giving people the ability to exist comfortably without the internet if they ever needed to.

TF Empires is the interactive and innovative new design of tailored crowdfunding, giving new and existing businesses the opportunity to start (or expand an existing business) tailored to the demands of the market by obtaining funding upfront for the proposed business plans. TF Empires is built on the TorqueForm and interfaces with Luxauro and Gold Metal Guild. More details on TF Empires and Untreadable here.

Untreadable is the specific extension or specialization of TF Empires. It consists of additional legal terms of the novel TF Empires crowdfunding website which offers existing and new businesses the ability to both expand and tailor their business to public demand and at the same time receive funding with an extended fulfillment period spread out over 5 years.

Gold Metal Guild (GMG) is the capitalized professional network for businesses and individuals to not just advertise their professional services but also provide quick and easy professional packages, booking, scheduling and payment capabilities. GMG is developed specifically to interface with Luxauro and TF Empires on the TorqueForm. More details on Gold Metal Guild here.

Ground Sourcing, the specific extension of Gold Metal Guild, is the TorqueForm’s method of giving individuals and businesses who have the software development skills, the ability to be able to actually produce and develop different aspects of the TorqueForm, especially the metaverse. Once a ground-sourced software product or aspect is accepted and implemented on the TorqueForm, those developers are given the credential of TorqueFormer, and can reap the financial benefits via a one-time purchase fee for their software product, or continual monthly income in the same manner as any other product that a merchant may sell on Luxauro, etc. See Ground Sourcing projects on TF Empires or submit your ideas to us.

There are 4 “levels” of e-commerce to choose from which will be realized as Luxauro expands internationally:

Luxauro Global: Merchants/Founders/Professionals from around the world who service your location

My National Luxauro: Merchants/Founders/Professionals within your own country who service your location

My Own Luxauro: Local Merchants/ Founders/ Professionals of your area who service your location

-X- Skyway is the metaverse of the Torqueform. Depicted as an ethereal overlay around the earth, this metaverse will intricately interact with the (standard web) version of the tribrid website and with the established businesses on earth through interfacing with the tribrid (Luxauro, TF Empires and GMG) and all of its components at every level with -X- Skyway. More details on -X-Skyway here.